Smoke Free Policy





WHEREAS: The U. S. Surgeon General, the National Research Council, and the National Academy of Science, report that environmental tobacco smoke causes lung cancer in healthy adult nonsmokers.

WHEREAS: These agencies have also found that separating smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate, a nonsmoker’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

WHEREAS: The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency finds that environmental tobacco smoke is a Group A Carcinogen-a category reserved for known cancer-causing agents in humans.

THEREFORE: Considering these facts and the White Oak Township’s concern for the health and welfare of its employees, White Oak Township is enacting a “No Smoking Policy” effective as of April 9, 2002.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That as of this date, there shall be no smoking permitted within any part of any enclosed building, structure, or vehicle owned, leased, or operated by White Oak Township.

I, Carole Oesterle, Clerk of the Township of White Oak, Count of Ingham, State of Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was thereon declared duly adopted by the White Oak Township Board at it’s April 9, 2002 meeting.