Bid Policy Resolution

Competitive BIDDING POLICY Resolution

Be it resolved, that the White Oak Township Board shall solicit sealed bids for all contracts for which the township board anticipates a total township obligation of $20,000 or more.

The requirement for sealed bids shall not apply to intergovernmental contracts, contracts for professional services or emergency repairs, or for the following services:

Ingham County Road Commission for road improvements

At such time as the township board authorizes the solicitation of bids, the board shall determine if the authority to award a bid shall be delegated to a named official, or if the board reserves to itself the authority to award the bid. When sealed bids are required, a Request for Bids shall be developed and approved by the township board. Request for Bids shall require interested bidders to provide the following information as appropriate:

-description of service or goods desired

-desired delivery date or commencement date

-desired termination date

-bidder’s qualifications



-performance bonds

-acquisition cost, fees or other township financial obligation

The Request for Bids shall also indicate the following information: -deadline to submit bids-date, time and place that bids will be publicly opened

-address to which bids are to be submitted

All requests for bids shall include a statement that the White Oak Township Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or errors in the bidding process, and to accept any bid deemed to be in the best interest of the township, including bids that are not for the lowest amount.

Sealed bids shall be submitted to the White Oak Township Clerk by a date and time specified, and shall be marked on the outside ” sealed bid for (indicated goods and services).” The township clerk shall publicly open all bids submitted at the date and time indicated on the request for bids. All bidders shall be notified of the contract award in a timely manner.


Adopted: March 14, 1994

White Oak Township Board

Carole Oesterle, Clerk